Tuesday, 6 August 2013

It's My Own Opinion!

Give Respect, Get Respect!
What's up? I'm kind of fed up about how people just shove their own opinions and their own so called "Beliefs" down other people's throats. Don't y'all have respect for others? Now, let me make it clear, many religious people (bear in mind I do believe in a religion) they try to make you feel as if you're a sinner and they are all washed with holy milk or something. I do follow a religion, but that doesn't mean I should tell others that they're going to hell because they have different opinions from me or they have different religion.

I have a friend, she once asked me about what I belief in or what not, I told her that yeah I do belief in God, But she told me since I'm a Muslim and not a Christian, I will go to Hell. I have also heard Muslims saying that others will go to hell if they don't become a Muslim. What the... I mean seriously? So, now people will decide who will go to hell/heaven. They will decide who will live happily on this Earth and who will suffer because they Belief in something else.

If you focus on Religion, it teaches you about positive things. Religions doesn't tell you to divide people in certain groups, it tells you to live in harmony and peace with fellow members.
I got no problem about what religion you believe in, whether you're an atheist, gay/lesbian, old, young. I got no problem. I will respect you no matter what. We live in 21st century and I accept everyone. Why should I judge you? Who am I to judge you!? If you're religious you should know that God have told us that we shall not judge others because He is the one who created us and He is the only judge.

These days, the media have a great influence on us. It looks like whatever comes up on the news; people believe it without thinking twice. They think that all the Muslims are terrorists! Hahahaha, it makes me laugh. So, you're telling me that about 1.6 Billion Muslims around the world are terrorists? While there are some extremists, who in the name of Islam brutally slaughter others without contemplating twice! It is such a shame that people judge Muslims only based on those 1% extremists.

Now, I'm not here to give you all a lecture about how some people have peas sized brains! I'm making my point clear by saying that just because one individual from a certain group does something wrong doesn't mean the whole wide group is responsible for it. Does it mean that the Christian man, who burns the Quran is the representative of the whole world wide Christians? No! I'm not going to curse every Christian because of him because he is an individual with his own opinions.
Help others not because they have the same religion or the same race as you. Help them because they're Human Beings like you and everyone else!

I don't know why people make your life miserable because you might be an atheist. I don't blame the atheist for not following a Religion because you know why? Now a day some Religious people interpret the message from God in a way where they think they are superior and who ever don’t listen to them is a culprit and deserves a punishment! I can go on and on and on... but I won't be able to finish it or the truth is that you'll probably get bored!

Quran 25:63:

The worshippers of the All-Merciful are they who tread gently upon the earth, and when the ignorant address them, they reply, "Peace!"

 And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all ... (2 Timothy 2:24).

-I Love You All, My Beautiful Fellow Earthlings! x PEACE

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