Friday, 15 November 2013

College Life


This is my first year of college. I started in September and its November now, so I have been doing pretty good to stay in College for three months. Lie. I don't really have good attendance, though I have 100% Punctuality! I guess I should be proud of that, isn't it? Well, to be honest, I would rather be an hour early than to be at least one minute late. That's just the way I'm. However, my teachers in College seem to only focus on the negative. They always moan about my attendance, I mean it's not like I'm doing it on purpose, sometimes you just got to miss a day or two to keep your brains intact to your bloody skull!

One of the main reason I hate college is waking up late! I set three alarms on my phone because when one of them rings, I just push the *Dismiss* button not the Snooze. I can't be bothered. I set three alarms so that on the third on I would wake up. Unluckily for me, my College is about an hour away from my home and God-forbid, if there is traffic; it's going to take me another 10-15 minutes to get to College. Sometimes, when I'm REALLY early at the bus stop, it only takes me 20 minutes to get to my college because most people at 7:15 don't go to work or use the buses that much. Am I making sense? Probably not. Sorry.

What makes things worse is that I got nothing to look forward to. I got no friends, I don't like my subjects that I have- oh I mean the teachers have chose for me, I sit alone at lunch, I think the Librarians hate me (once I was watching Anime and they caught me!) Oh, last but not least, I feel really stupid while sitting between typical "Smart" people. I think the list goes on, but I can't think of anything else to write (complain) about. I mean, don't get me wrong, if you're not *anti-social* like me, you'll love college life! It's all about you, your choices, your subjects and your assignments -Evil Laugh!-

Story of me Life!

In my opinion, a job is a job. If you're happy with it, then keep it. If not, try your best to find a new suitable job for yourself and leave the current one if you can. I mean, I know how hard it is to find a job when you might not have the qualification for it, but at least try your best in College or University. I'm now stuck with the courses that the teachers chose for me. I have to deal with it now. I will try my best to at least attend every lesson, and do the homework/assignments on time! I think everyone know their pros and cons when it comes to studying. When I was in school, I thought College would be a breeze for me. It would be easy. I was wrong. I was slapped by the brutal reality! I came to know that I "apparently” don’t know everything. I came to my senses because I was told that if you got an A in any of your GCSEs, it would be Equal to a D or E in A Level. It hit me really hard!

I thought I knew what I was going to be in the future. I thought I would probably write, or do some artist things. I don't know. Since I was little, I wanted to be a lawyer. I even played Lawyer-Lawyer with my cousins. I was one of the Lawyers and I had to win the case. It was a lot of fun! Oh the olden days... I wanted to act as well. So far, I wanted to be a Lawyer, an Actress, a Model (who walks on the ramp and takes cute pictures-My thought when I was little :P)  I wanted to be an Author, I wanted to be a director (or film maker) I wanted to be an artist. I guess everyone had dreams when they were younger, when we didn't know the harsh reality. The reality that not everyone makes it to the top, not everyone gets paid £3000 a week! 

Anyway, I think I will shut up now or should I say stop writing. I love writing; it takes my minds off from stupid idiotic things that I worry about for no apparent reason! Bye-Bye.

Xx Peace!

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