Saturday, 24 August 2013

Great GCSE Grades!

On the 22nd of August, my GCSE grades were out and I went to my school to receive them! I was so nervous and anxious that I felt like my whole body was on fire! I went there quite early, the time that was set was at 9 AM and I reached my school at 8:15 AM... I thought I was going to be the only one, but thank God I wasn't. There were three other people besides me, though I'm quite impressed that I was the only girl there! Go girl! Hahaha... anyway, I reached there and I signed in. My palms were sweating and I was so scared. The teachers took the forum and let us sign up some other forums in case if we want a remark.

The moment I entered the room to get my results, I felt like killing myself. That was the moment where it would be decided whether I would be doing the AS Levels that I have chosen, or BTEC! I want to do the AS Levels so I was really nervous if I had achieved the set grades that were the requirement for the AS Levels. The teacher handed me the letter in which my results were in. The brown envelop, I kept on staring at it, thinking should I open it or leave it till I reach home. I didn't open it, I said my goodbyes to the teachers and headed outside of the school... it was raining which made the situation worse, though it was good because if I cried, people will think it just rain on my freaking face!

I couldn't help it! I opened it and saw what I got in the results... needless to say I had done great in all of my subjects besides maths... What can I say! I fucking failed my maths exam! But the good part is that last year when I did the Maths exam I got a C which is a "pass" so this year when I re-took the Maths exams I got the D! So, luckily I can use the last year's C! YAY! I was really disappointed with my French... I thought I did well, but overall I got a freaking C! Oh well, at least I passed...

Now, everything is fine! I got into college and I’m starting this September... though I’m not really excited but I’m dreading it! Wish me luck!

Take care and Peace x

Monday, 19 August 2013

Volunteer Work! Hell YEAH!

Help others without expecting something back. Smile and make the world a better place!

I'm going to cut it really short. I found a Volunteering Work! So, if you don't know me (which mostly includes all of you) I have been looking for a Volunteer work for a looooong time! Recently, I found a website, where one can search for volunteering job. The options are really great and also it has varieties of place where you can volunteer. You know, I'm not the type of person who likes working. I'm super duper lazy! 

On the other hand, I love to work for other people. Not for myself. I feel like, me rather than sitting home all day long doing nothing, it's much better to go volunteer and help others! I mean, even if you're just going to a place where you'll be just cheering for others, why not? Go ahead because at the end you'll make someone's day and put a bright smile on their face. I really love to work with old people, disabled, youth; basically taking care of them and looking after them. It makes me really happy! I feel like one should always put themselves in their shoes and think how difficult life would be if no one took care of you and also if you were all alone and no one cared.

Stick together through rough times, it makes life a lot more easier!

I think it is really necessary that we all take some time out of our lives and help those who need us! I started this Volunteering work this Monday and I'm really happy with it. I already love it! Together as a community, everyone can bring a big difference in less fortunate’s' lives! Think about those people who have no choice being that way. Today it is them, who are in need but tomorrow it might be you.

I know many people think "Why work for free when you can get a better job?" I mean, what else would make you happy? You'd bring a smile on someone's face because you just sat there and talked to them just for 2 minutes! Trust me, they all appreciate it! Wouldn't it make you happy, seeing people have a new hope in their lives because you said something positive to them? Think about it, rather than just sitting at home, you could do these jobs for free and ask for nothing, but at the end, those smiles on those innocent faces will make you a lot happier than you were sitting at your home doing nothing at all...

Take care! Peace :)

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Sketch Club (Quetta)

Now, I'm by no mean an artist. Though I know how to draw, but sometimes I've an "artist block" I just sit in the corner of my room thinking what to draw! I don't call myself an artist because... you know, I'm self taught and I know nothing about different types of art e.g. composition, portraits etc. I have kind of known something about them, but I can paint nor draw someone's portrait for the life of me! I love to draw! I mean, words can't explain how much I love drawing but one think I hate is when rather than sketching or drawing, I spend most of my time criticising myself!

Take your paint brush and with a stroke, paint your own world!

Lately, I have been inspired by so many artists. Not just famous artists, but those who are amateur in art filed. I have seen many works on Instagram and I follow a lot of them. Their works are mind blowing! One of the account on Instagram (Nawden) posts people's art work and they gain a lot of followers. If you by any chance have an Instagram account and would love to see amazing art work then make sure to follow "Nawden"

Since, I'm always on Facebook and I spend a lot of my time there, I search for different types of groups or pages which promotes different artists and their works. Now, I lived in Pakistan for many years. I lived somewhere in Quetta and in Quetta, there is a place called "Sketch Club" There, a teacher teaches his students art and how to draw or paint different things! Seeing that I was self taught, I'm thinking maybe all of this is in my blood and I was just born with this talent! Many people ask me "How can you draw like that?" I'm by no mean a teacher and my response is that "I just draw it" I know, it's not really a good response... but I don't know what else to say!

Title "Proxy War"
Medium: Oil on paper
Artist: S. Mohammad Ali

I love when there is a contrast of different colours! I don't really mind if an art piece hasn't got any meaning, especially if the artist is a beginner. It's true, you don't need to know how to paint, and the hardest question is what to paint! I really like the work above. As you can see, there is also politics reference as well and also you can see different flags including American flag. I know, art is to express what you feel, what you want to tell the world and it is also used to show the words that you can't speak!
Title "Still Life"
Medium: Markers on paper
Artist: Nadia Raza

I love still life! I think if you're a beginner and want to improve your art, you just get some objects and make a still life and draw from it. Still life will make you see how different lighting can have a bid effect on the way you draw or paint. I love when there is a texture into my drawing. My favourites to draw from still live are bottles, fruits and cosmetics. One of my favourite medium to draw with is pencil, I feel like I can draw many things with just one simple pencil! I mostly use 2b, 4b pencils... though I can't find a good quality ones!

Title "Still Life"
Medium: Pencil on paper
Artist: Mohammad Essa

One thing I would really like to improve is the proportion of my drawings! I just look at the still life and draw the outline without thinking, I think first I need to use different shapes such as squares, circles or any other shapes to make the body of the objects in proportion and then draw the outline of the still life. Always remember, you can erase your mistakes but remember that you don't press too hard while drawing because then it will be really difficult to erase. I see many people, while using coloured pencils; they don't really know how to blend different colours together. One of the people, she was so amazed when she found out that I actually use tissue to blend my colours together! So, remember whenever you use coloured pencils, apply little pressure and then blend it with a piece of tissue.
Title "Still Life"
Medium: Charcoal pencil on paper
Artist: Gulsoom

I'm in love with the art above! The first time I looked at it, I was really amazed and dazzled! I wondered how the person achieved such good contrast. I love the way it all blends together, though then there is a harsh black, which makes the art piece stand out even more! I like how in the background, the person has drawn a line, it creates the illusion of the object not floating in mid-air, which I have seen many people do. So many people don't focus on the background of their work, I have seen some people having great focus on the still life, yet when you see the background, there isn't any shading or anything! Though the artist above has beautifully achieved it! I like how the shadow is really dark, though I think it could be improved, if the artist adds little bit of greyness with the medium, it will blend in more properly. But, you know, I don't really know that much about art. 

Instagram Account who promotes artists: Nawden

Take care! Peace x (Keep Drawing!)

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

What if I failed my exams?

Hahahaha! I won't be getting any "A*" at all... Fuc* my LIFE!

Well, since it's going to be results day soon, I thought why don't tell others about what I think I'll get in my results. I know, many people wouldn't care less about what I feel right now, well, it is okay! I think I should get some good grades. Though in maths, I think I will get really low marks. It is not because I didn't revise... well yeah, I might have watched Harry Potter movie rather than revising. Shhhhh... Yup I know, I should have revised. What could've I done? I know nothing about Maths. It's like a different language to me; I think it's the language for smart people! I wonder what I'll get in my English Literature. In my English Language paper I got a B... it sucks! I was actually targeted an A*! My best friend got an A, I kind of got jealous. What? Aren't I a Human Being? 

Well, on that same day, I have to go to my college and get Enrolled. It means, I will get my ID card and I will be 100% sure that I will be going to that exact college! I am kind of excited... naahh, who am I kidding, I'm shitting my pants! You see, I'm not a "social able" person, this means I will stand in the corner and sulk! I wonder how I will make friends... I hate myself for being shy! I mean, there is a shy person and then there is me, not talking at all! Once, a boy even thought I was a mute! Well, it's because I don't talk at all. Whenever the teacher used to call for register and when he/she said my name, I would whisper. Well, to others it was a whisper but to me that was my full-on volume!

That's me, on my results day! 

Getting back on the topic of Exams, I will have to wait outside the building of my school to get my results. This means that from the beginning to the point when I get my results, I will be freaking out like a crazy person! I think I did well in my exams, especially in French! Oh, I really like French because all I had to do was do great in my control assessments and worry less in the actual exam. Though, the Listening Paper was really hard. The audio tape was like Bonjour blah blah blah... and I'm sitting there thinking what has my mum cooked for dinner today? It better be Rice with BBQ chicken! Yummy, and there, the audio tape has already stopped and we have finished our Listening Paper. FML! 

I'm kind of okay with my History paper because I already had half a GCSE in which I got an A! YES! Heaven! But all I'm worrying about right now is that I should be able to get into College easily because even if in one of my Exam Result, I get a grade below a "C" then I'm doomed forever! This means that I will not be able to do the courses that I applied for and I might have to do Btec instead of A Levels which I have already applied for!

Well, I guess we'll see all of it on the results day. Wish me luck, hmm... it's kind of unnecessary because the exams are all over and all I got to do is wait and watch!

Take care! Peace x

14 August, Independence day?

Broadcaster, Mustafa Ali, announcing the creation of Pakistan on radio at 12 AM, August 14, 1947


Everyone should be treated equally and with respect!

I wasn't actually born in Pakistan, but I grew up there. Well, thinking how I was about five years old, when I moved to Pakistan as a Refugee with my whole family! I didn't know much about Independent Country and how it is different from others... though today looking at Pakistan and how it has been manipulated by some Politicians, it makes me really angry as well as unhappy. I remember when I was young; I was free to go wherever I want in Pakistan! My whole family were able to live independently in Pakistan, but now... it's a different story, now we all live in fear, the question is always in our minds "Will I be the next Target?"

Now, as a teenager, I shouldn't be thinking about death, being killed and not even about fleeing Pakistan forever! But, since Pakistan is getting more dangerous second by second, I am afraid of the consequences of not being a "Sunni Muslim" Hell! Even Sunni Muslims are sometimes killed! On 14 August, Pakistanis Celebrate the Independence Day. Although they celebrate with joy that Pakistan is a "free" country, but many will disagree. I do. What really makes Pakistan a free country? Thousands upon thousands are being killed brutally by the so-called "Taliban" and the Government of Pakistan, they don't even do anything. Let's put it this way, they don't give a flying FUC*!  

66 years ago, Mr Jinnah (the founder of Pakistan) said something, unfortunately, in today's Pakistan, no one seems to care, especially the "Mullah Republic" of Pakistan.

You see the founder of the Nation; the founder of Pakistan, Mr Jinnah, said something important, though now, it has been forgotten! Everyone needs to have equal rights and they all deserved to live in Pakistan. As you can see in the picture above, the quote shows what Mr Jinnah wanted from all Pakistanis, he wanted that no one should be left out. It is not the case in today's Pakistan. In today's date, only Sunni Muslims belong to Pakistan. If you're a Shia/Shiite Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Christian, Ahmadi, Sikh, Wahabi, Maseehi, Parsi; or any other person, you're basically cruelly murdered by the Taliban. Your fault you ask? Well, why aren't you a Sunni Muslim, you should be killed for that! (Typical mind-set of Taliban in Pakistan)

Whenever there is a bomb blast in which many Shias/Shiites are martyred, the government of Pakistan doesn't even condemn it! Why? How is being a Shia/Shiite makes them different than any other Pakistani? The whole village of poor Christians are burnt; only ashes and lost hopes are left! Why isn't the government doing anything? Another attack on Hindu temple and many innocent lives are wasted in hate! Why is the government silence? An Ahmadi child is brutally assassinated! Why is the government sleeping in Peace?  

Image dating back to August 2012 shows Pakistani Sikhs buying national flags and badges from a roadside stall for Independence day!

↑ They are Pakistani and Proud! Everyone should be 

treated equally!

Targets: First, it was Ahmadi, then Hindu and then Shia... will you be next?

The 80s witnessed a new tide of killings and persecution, the Ahmadis were already being persecuted by the state, but then came the Shias/Shiites for whom it has been open season since the 80s, they today call it Shia/Shiite Genocide, and hardly a day passes in this country when a Shia/Shiite is not shot dead for being a Shia/Shiite. The state has always been numb and never showed a concern about the killings of Shias/Shiite, when a few are shot dead, no one cares, when a big number is killed in a bomb attack, the President, the Prime Minister would just condemn it by sending a message to the Press Information Department that would forward it to the media channels.

Today the Ahmadis are not allowed to call themselves Muslim, they’re not allowed to call their worship place a mosque, they are not allowed to call the call for prayers Azaan, they are not allowed to preach and propagate their faith, they are taken to courts on the simple allegations like they have a Holy Quran in their worship place, their sacrificial animals are snatched away, many have been maimed and killed for the mullahs keep on inciting hatred against them. They are not even allowed to rest in their graves which are often desecrated by the bigots.

The tale of the Hindus and Christians is no different, they’re very poor and backward, the state didn't do anything to uplift them, they are persecuted under the blasphemy laws, they are forcibly converted, in 2011 the minister for Minorities. Shahbaz Bhatti was shot dead in broad daylight in Islamabad for he wanted to bring into light the misuse of blasphemy laws, he had always been a defender of the rights of minorities but in this country sane voices are silenced, all dissenters are killed. Salman Taseer, the governor of Punjab was killed by a policeman who was supposed to protect him and should have been ready to die for him, Taseer’s only crime was to show his support for a Christian lady who was accused of blasphemy. What happened in Joseph Colony, Lahore is not an event of the past, the poor Christians of that area lost their houses after a fight between two drunken men belonging to Christian and Muslim communities.

We should be treated equally. We should all be living peacefully!  We're all Pakistani no matter what our Ethnic Background or Religious Faith is!
The Hindus of Sindh are considered to be the original inhabitants of Sindh, they have been living here from time immemorial but today, they are leaving the country, most of them are moving to India and they also blame extremism and discrimination among the major factors behind their migration. The Barelvis or the Hanfis make up a majority of Pakistanis, they were the followers of Sufi tradition and were staunch believers of the message of peace and co-existence, and they are also being killed by the takfiris who consider them to be Mushriks. 

Looking at this alarming situation, one wonders when a minister and a governor can be shot dead in Islamabad in broad daylight, a Christian girl can be accused of blasphemy by making a false case against her by the mullahs, Shias are killed on daily basis because the mullahs call them Non-Muslim, Ahmadis face a general hatred and their persecution has been legalized by the laws, all this points at the road we are going on!

Courtesy for some of the text :

Please read this regarding Ahmadi Mosque and the Attack:

Aren't Shias/Shiites Pakistani? (especially Hazaras) : 

About how Hindus are being treated:

Thanks for reading. I know it is a long post but words can't describe the situations of the minorities living in Pakistan. Let there be peace and joy, not only in Pakistan but in the whole wide world! Take care x

 Peace not Pieces!

Monday, 12 August 2013

Hope- A Struggle Movie!

This was the Invitation! 

So, lately I have been eagerly waiting for this movie! Basically, the whole team of this movie belongs to Hazara Community; they're based in Quetta, Pakistan! Since many people don't know about their culture and their identity, it is hard for them to promote themselves to others... though after watching this movie, it won't be hard for them to do it later in life.

On 7 of August, at 9 PM the movie was released. The event was held at a school in Quetta. Many people went there to watch the movie. I wish I could, but since I'm not there, I wasn't able to. The movie itself tells us about the Bomb blast at Alamdar Road, Quetta, Pakistan (to get more information read this post: ) on that post, you can easily get the gist of the movie and learn about the meaning behind it. Not only was the movie focusing on the blast but it also tells us about how education can make you achieve higher! One of the best thing I learnt from this movie was that even if your life is in danger, even if the enemy is much powerful than you, you can always turn your face towards Education and make yours and others life brighter! 

In the movie, they also mentioned another incident (more information here: ) they talked about how many precious students lost their lives in the University's Bus. 

Here I will link all the parts of the movie: 

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Although the movie is in their native language Persian, in some parts Urdu has also been used. They have added subtitles as well, but some of the things might be unclear for those who don’t understand their language. 

Many people might think why am I sharing this with you, Well, let me tell you briefly: Basically, Hazaras; mainly in Quetta, Pakistan has been targeted from many years. They were and still brutally killed by different groups of Taliban in Pakistan. Now, I don't know much about Politics and I don't even want to! The Pakistani Government has failed to protect the civilians, especially Shias/Shiite of Pakistan. Those Hazaras, they have been killed by bomb blasts, firing, and target killing! Why isn't the Government doing anything? Many Hazaras are going to other countries for more security, they mainly go to Australia, but now not even that is possible (read here: )  

I tried to tell the story as much as I could because I know many will not understand the language:
-The movie shows three main characters, Meisam, Karrar and Hadi; they aren't really best friends from the beginning, but as time flies by they become great friends!

-Although one of the friend (Meisam) who tries hard to learn and pass his chemistry test, but the other two friends; Karrar and Hadi , they don't really care, even when their test is near, they both go out without learning anything! Both of them photocopy the Books and then print it off so that later on, they can take the printed information and cheat in the test!

-Those of which who cheated (Karrar and Hadi) get high marks and one of them (Hadi) even get the First position! The teacher being really happy with his results gives him a red stoned ring as a gift!

-Meisam who is smarter than the other two, talk to them about how will they do the exam this time? Would they still cheat? What will they achieve by cheating? What will happen to them when they don't know what to do in the Job field?

-Both of them (Karrar and Hadi) ignores Meisam! How will they revise anyway? They both have already decided that this time they will cheat as well, just like they did in the chemistry test. This time they'll give a worker, who works in the Uni where they will be taking their exam, they'll give the worker the cheating papers and somehow the worker will try to give it to them during examination.

-On 10 of January, all three of them come together and try to learn for last time because the exam is near! They finish their revising and they get up to pray. First Hadi takes off his ring and puts in near the sink, when he is finished, he then dries his face. On the other hand, Meisam (the smart one) is about to do the Wudu as well but Hadi gets a call about the blast. Hadi in a hurry forgets his ring and runs off to see the aftermath!

-Hurriedly, Meisam wears the ring, and tells Karrar that Hadi has went to the location of the Blast! Meisam tells Karrar to put all the books in hi bag so that they both and go the location where Hadi has went.

-Karrar is busy putting all the books in his bag, so Meisam runs off quickly...

-Then comes the dreadful part. Both friends Karrar and Hadi are shown in a car driving to the graveyard where their best friend Meisam rests in peace. They both cry... Words can't describe the feelings! At that moment, the audience can see the Soul of Meisam talking to Hadi and Karrar, but the characters in the movie can't see him. Meisam tells them both to learn because by learning they can achieve great things in life! He talks about how his time is finished on this Earth but that doesn't mean others should stop living their lives. 

-After 12 years 2025- Hadi now gets a job as an engineer and Karrar is an Architect now! This shows how they changed their lives but learning. It will be hard, but by learning you're going to make your life so much better than it is now!

-The Soul of Meisam again appears in Hadi's (Engineer) office. Meisam tells Hadi about the hard times he has seen. Hadi asks Meisam to show him, Meisam takes Hadi 12 years back, to the place where the blast occurred on 10 of January! Meisam, now dead, tells Hadi about how he was helpless and couldn't help the injured ones who were lying on the floor asking for help!

-Meisam takes Hadi to another place as well and talks about the University's Bus Blast ( ) and tells Hadi that rather than revising for his exams, both Hadi and Karrar went out for fun! Why didn't they try harder? Why weren't they revising while they should be? 

-At the end, Hadi has learnt his lesson! Meisam now says his good bye to his Best Friend!

Moral of the story is to never lose hope! Try harder! Achieve more! Get Educated as Education is the key to success! 

Cheating will not get you far! Learning will help you forever. Though it might be hard at first, but it will get better and you'd be much happier!

Feeling happy for no reason! :)

Feel the breeze, the way it touches your skin... feeling happy and free!

Ahh, today I feel happy for no reason! I feel like there is so much energy in me and I'm feeling really positive! I love it! You see, I woke up today; I hopped off from my bed and went to the bathroom to fresh up. I then came back to the room and told my brother to fresh up as well. My mum and dad, they both went to the shop to buy grocery. My mum gave me money some money and told me to send my brother to the shop to buy juice for both of us.

When my mum and dad left, I went to my brother's room and told him that he needs to go, he didn't want to go, so I told him that I will go instead of him! He was happy because he is too lazy to go to the shop! I wore my jeans, a tangerine coloured peplum shirt with my hoodie on top of it. I took the money and my purse and off I went to the shop. You see, I don't normally go out of the house, I have really bad anxiety, and so I don't deal very well with a lot of people surrounding me. But today, I gave it a chance and I was happy with it. I went to the shop but I saw that the juice that we love isn't in stock, I was kind of upset because I love drinking cold juice at breakfast time... though I just bought some cookies and four muffins! I love both of them!

I came home; changed into my clothes and told my brother that I'm going to cook paratas for him (it's a type of Asian food, made with flour) I made two for him and two for myself! It was yummy, I also enjoyed my muffin, I only ate one of them. My brother ate one and he told me that he doesn't want to eat others because he doesn't like it. Well, more for me! After eating breakfast he went back to his room to play games. Typical boys. I ate my breakfast, though without any juice. I cleaned up everything in the kitchen and washed all the dirty dishes.

I went on Facebook and saw that the Hazaragi Movie, the first part was posted onto Facebook! I was overjoyed! (If you want to know more, read the post on my Blog )

I watched the first part and found it to be really great! I waited for some more time and then they posted the second part of it as well, now I'm waiting for the third and final part! 

Most of the time, I feel angry and upset for no reason and I curse it, I don't know why it happens... maybe a Human Nature. This time that I'm feeling happy, I really appreciate it! I just wish I could always feel like this.

Till next time. Take Care! Peace x

Thursday, 8 August 2013


Welcome EID!

Eid is when you forget the negative and focus on positive. Sharing is caring!

Eid al-Fitr is also known as the Feast of Fast-Breaking or the Lesser Feast. It marks the end of Ramadan and the start of a feast that lasts up to three days in most of the countries it is one of Islam’s two major festivals, with Eid al-Adha being the other major festival. Eid al-Fitr celebrates the end of the fasting that occurs during Ramadan.  
Crisp new notes of money are given to others especially young children!
Muslims around the world wait eagerly for this day, it bring s them closer to their family and friends and to those living around them! Well, what I really wait for is the money (Eidi) basically, on Eid people who are older than you are supposed to give you a gift, 99% of the time it's money. Sometimes when they don't give me Eidi, I become really sad as the Eidi is the top highlight on the Eid! I mean, I'm still a teenager and people in my family who are younger than me don’t ask Eidi from me. I am just two or three years older than them!

Most of the time, whenever someone comes to our house on Eid, he/she gives us money probably ranging from £5-£15... It’s not much but I appreciate what I get :D My father last year gave me £50! I know, for some it might be nothing, but to me it was fantastic! My mum only gave me £10 as she doesn't have a job. I gave my brother £5; he's just three years younger than me that's why! I think this Eid, I'm might not get a lot of money...

Women do Henna on their hands on this joyful event! With different designs and patterns to bring out the bright colour of henna.
One of the best things on Eid (for females) is that we get to do henna! Now, some might call it Mehndi as well. Its type of a tradition in many countries, on Eid, many younger girls and female of any age draw different designs and patterns! When I was younger, I didn't know how to do Henna. Although one of my cousins knew, but she would always do her sisters' hands first, I would always get so annoyed because I knew she didn't even want to do Henna on my hands! Most of the time, she would always make excuses about how she can't be bothered to do henna and blah blah blah.
Many can't do the henna themselves, so they go to the market and women do it for them for different amount of money.

Many females sit in different Markets (bazaars) and they open a stall. Many females visit those stalls so that those women could do Henna on their hands. Since its Eid, many of those workers charge extra because they know that people will surely pay! Even if they charge more, it is all worth it because at the end when they finish the design, one could see the exotic patterns! Many people have Books which include Henna designs, from those books people can chose whatever type of design they want. Most of the time, many women do Henna up to their elbows!
The delicious food to share with others!

When it comes to the food, there are always stalls everywhere in markets! It mostly includes Chaat, Samosa, Dahi Baday, Qeema and many other traditional food of that country. They put up those stalls because before the Eid day, at night many people go to shopping malls to shop. That night is called "Chand Raat" if translated in English it means "Moon Night" On that night, many women buy the remaining things that they might want for Eid such as jewellery or shoes etc. 
The sizzling of those traditional foods and recipes!

The sizzling of the food makes the environment even more exciting! When I was back in my country, I went to the shopping malls only once. I was with my mum, though it was a great experience, but I never want to go there. I think it's because there were too many people! All of them are rushing and there is too much noise! I'm the kind of person who hates being squashed between people and I really hate loud places!

Buying different colour of  jewellery to match it with their Clothes!
When it comes to the shopping for Eid, women have to have matching jewellery with their clothes! Many of them chose large earrings and those ones that stand out! There are different varieties of earrings; younger girls tend to go for those little ones which don’t weigh much; though the older women go for the more expensive looking ones and those which can attract more attention! Personally, I really love wearing larger earrings because even if your clothes don’t have much detail but you earrings can win the show!
Mainly young girls buy bangles made out of glass to match it with their chosen outfits!

If you have ever gone shopping for Eid and if you're a female, you would know that your Eid outfit without those glass bangles are incomplete! I mean, the sound of those bangles and the designs on them always makes you buy them no matter what! I always preferred bangles which are made out of glass than the bangles made out of other materials. It's just the sound of it, when you wear them and when you shake your arms, Eid becomes more real. 
Buying clothes and choosing them is really hard as there are a lot to chose from!
Many people now chose ready made clothes, which mean that it is already made and they don't have to bother to give it to the tailor to get it sewed. Personally, I like it when I have given my clothes to the tailor because then I am eagerly waiting for it to arrive and it makes me even more pumped up and freaking excited! This year, I went shopping with my mum and dad and bought myself clothes, though I still have to buy other things and Eid is tomorrow :'( I hate when I'm late at buying things because while I'm here getting stressed others are outside going out with their family and friends!

Anyhow, if you're a Muslim, then Eid Mubarak! And if you're not, then don't worry because your Muslim friends will surely give you treats (well that's what I do anyway) 

Take Care! Peace x

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Results Day?

Well, first of all I want to make it clear that on the results day I will be the one shitting my pants! I mean come one, think about it. I wait for about an hour outside my school for the results, then I wait in the line praying (as if it helps) that I haven't failed and at last when I get my results, goose bumps starts to appear all over my body. Sweaty hands. Dry throat. Shaking. Hair standing behind my neck! At that moment, when my teacher hands me my results, I just make a poker face -_- because I don't want to show how freaking fearful I'm at that moment.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm kind of smart, well that's what I think... but I'm really afraid of my Maths result! I hate MATHS! Even if I tried my hardest, I always fail. The first time when I did my Maths GCSE exam, I got a C. Yes, a freaking majestic C! Many people say "Oh, at least you passed!" And I'm standing there like "C shows that I'm a looser because I neither passed nor failed!" Let me explain what getting a "C" means in GCSE. Basically it means that you have passed the exam with a Lowest Mark... Let's say, you need to get 60 marks to pass the exam, and you got 61 marks! How would you feel?
My situation...though I'm a female.
I have already gotten some of my results because I did early GCSEs such as I have got my Religious, Science and ICT (or IT) and Oh yeah, I have got a C in science. Don't laugh please :'( It's just that I had a second chance to do my Science exam and probably get higher grade. Probably. I didn't do it. I thought about it a lot! Many days, I sat in my room thinking "Should I give it a chance?" "What if I fail?" Many questions came rushing in my mind, at the end I decided I wouldn't take the risk. I didn't do it because I thought I "kind of" passed Science already so why should I waste my energy on it again!? It's not like I'm taking it in College or University.

If I tell people that I'm going to fail, they all laugh saying I'm a show off! I mean, just because I concentrate in my class doesn't make me a freaking SMART ASS! I don't get it, in class, whenever there is a test, I always get the highest, but when it comes to the actual exam, I get really low marks. What I hate the most is when I get two or three marks off from getting a B or an A! It really pisses me off. I mean think about it, you learning so much, and at the end you are actually one mark away from getting an A*. In my Religious GCSE Paper, I was two marks away from getting an A*. Yeah, FML (Fuc* My Life!)
Oh, how much I hate them!

Okay, so you know those people who say "Oh, I haven't learnt anything, I'm going to fail!" Well, FUC* THEM! I can't stress it enough about how much they make me angry! I mean, if you have started revising two months before the Exams and you have been revising since the first day you found out the date, then why be like that? They tell you that they haven't revised, or that they might have written a wrong answer, making you hope that maybe, just maybe this time you might get higher than them. No, they crush your dreams by getting an A* Well, thank you very much!

I'm just not in mood now. All I'm thinking is how I will open my results' envelop and see I have got Es and Fs in mostly all of my subjects. I try to stay positive, but think about it, I would be so ashamed of myself, I will probably dig a big hole right there and then, so I can bury myself alive! Oh no, I think my friends will get higher than me and I know, deep down they'll probably be really happy! I don't know. I think, it's time for me to make a Will and say what to give to my family after I die, which probably includes of £10 from my piggy bank, old clothes and yeah, my phone! Oh well, I think I better start writing it then because I don't want them to fight about it.

Bye for now xx take care. PEACE!

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Can't sleep!

Story Of My Life!

I mean, okay I use Facebook, YouTube, Gmail etc at night. I try my best not to use them when I'm going to bed; but no! I have to use the laptop... I usually use Facebook, you know to stalk some of my friends. What? Don't tell me you don't do it! I know you do too ;) For about three days, I have been sick, I still am. I try my best to take the medication and all, but it seems like the odds are against me! Everyone says that when you're ill/sick you're supposed to rest, I think my brain doesn't coordinate with my body because trust me when I tell you, even if I try to get comfy in my bed, I still use my phone to go on different sites.

Humans, why are we so complicated? I mean, I know that if I didn't sleep or didn't take rest, my condition will get worse! But oh no, I got to see the new YouTube video by Smosh! Oh man, how I wish I could take break from using any type of electronics. When it comes to nights... hmm who am I kidding, it's 3:40 am in the morning and I'm freaking writing this Blog. I think, I would rather write for hours and hours than to go to bed on time.
Most people yawn when they see others yawing! Did you?

Another down side is that, since it's my holidays, I get to choose what time I can wake up or to sleep. Usually, I wake up at 4 PM in the afternoon... yeah, I have no life because I don't go out; socialize with other fellow human beings. I just eat my breakfast, roll over onto my bed, and plug in the laptop charger and BAM! I start Googling random things. I plug the charger from the beginning because obviously I'll be too lazy by the time my laptop warns me that only 7% of battery is remaining; though, sometimes when I don't remember plugging it in, and when the laptop shows that only 5% of the battery remaining, I suddenly become a Super Ninja! Trust me when I say this, I don't become just ordinary ninja like others become; I become a Super Saiyan Ninja! I unexpectedly have a flow of energy and in about 2 Seconds the charger is plugged in! 

Here watch an EPIC video!

Well, I leave you at this since I got no energy left in my fragile body. I think I had enough of internet for today, maybe just maybe tomorrow will be different? Nah. 

Take Care xx Sleep tight (if you are going to sleep, if not then... GO WORK!)